Saturday, May 30, 2009

You can pick the weather you like

The small read devil man in green next to me turned and said: “I present to you good sir is mr, bob marley!” and then it began, I entetred a more colorful world that was oblivious to outside contact with a with a source that had strife and war and the hungry people. This was a world were I was safe to eat bananas crazy . and play rugby with native American with striped butt flaps. Life was short but it doesn’t matter if you jamin in the name of the lord!!! This beat was funky upfresh, yes that a word, I just made it 12 secs ago, and it means fresh with a upbeat message. Boom that hit ya pretty hard didn’t it? Let that settle and ponder this number right here,……hope you likie jamming too, jamin and jamin and jamin we like jamin too!!! Haha zach is fishing…he doesn’t even have a pole, what a fuuuuuuuuck. Yeah I said it with like the low pitch ethereal tone ;ike u imagined.

Quincy looks like a rat. This beeeat is realy slow and like flavorful like its god rich hints of emions. Goddamnit I hate quicy he wont chill the fuck out. Ok now he did, jesus dog. Dummmmm de de bummmmmmm. Tha tha bead to be. I just read this over and I thought to myswelf, that’s a really boring story. Yeah it proly was I need to improve on this next turn. I don’t like this song as much…oh good zach got his sliver, he just poiked me with his instrument it was gross. Oh good I like his song, bno worry bout a thing…….every little thing is gonna be alright, cindy don’t wory bout a thing, cuz every little thing is gonna be alright, wow im typing so fast. Woot zachs voice is werid. Bout a thang. Little be alright.

Oh gues what im gonna be watching in a few minutes>??? Snoop dogs hood of HOROR!! Its gonna be sick, zach said like it parts cartoon and part snoop dogg which wil me be awesome Smoke break. Ok simmas let you know one typing with one hand bc ihsve an ice cream cone. And I am oiutta my mind right now. Ok omg like this snoop dogg movie has like water feature IN THE MOVIE I couldn’t believe it either I was like that is so perfect. This movie is nuts so nuts. Drop po and squat in it.

Ok as I watch this movie im thinking, can a person make a book series but as you tell the story you can make anything you want happen so like it doesn’t evn have to make sense ;like Susie has been in like 5 books suddenly get hit by a giant owl. But I make it happen and that’s what makes the series so goddamn appealing man.

THIS MOVIE IS OUTTA ITS SHIT BAT CRAZY. This movie is so om rewind that. They use a fuckn 40 as ceremonial wine that’s hood!!! The guys head got smashed into the 40 when he tripped. Like for real guys I can type right now because then I cant enjoy this movie. Is tha all her blood from all the people she killed. Btw nows shes dead. This movie is too awesome!!!! There are these nice Vietnam vets that are getting taken advantage of by a young guy who has character gaps. But I think these guys should be like me and zach like when we get old we can live toether like college kids again!!! Because these ae happy times!! I really am enjoying my life right now. There is some kind of ghost like ethereall color like white on this old blck guys forehead!!! I swear for god this is too much. I cant even explain how good thi plot is. Shit keeps happening and it really cool. Omg omg ogm ogm ogtm gom its grrreat to be aliiiiiiiiiive. Yep let how you think that sounds be the soundtrack for you night, no wait you LIFE!!! Oh man shes fat now!!!!! That dog is gonna eat her. Ok I gotta keep this together man luke you can do it. No man his is too amazing I just cant type. So much too say too much to say. This is a burden that I am NOT capable of handling ver well right now in the present sphere. Yup. Ok zach just left and I told him to get me food! I love love love it it love it. This is takinf for ever. My mind moves to fast for my body to deal with so it doesn’t do it at the right time when my brain thinks it. Aso am I moving just real fast? Or is it bc time is so slow. Im am in this recliner and it is shooint me to the stars, then im iun a plane and colorful rays of the dust effect hits the plans and then makes it drop me like a hotcake or potatoe and then im just dopping man, just zoom straight down! My senses alerts, like I am a giant cat in the savannahs of afreicka. And I canslike sense all the movements of nature tight now. This is a parrrty

God zach is taking for ever. Ok no hes back now (12 sec gap) the ICE CREAM AND CAKE!!!!!! TIME TO EAAT!

YHAT was a long time ago. Were watching speed racer right now and its turning out to be a classic. My fingers are literally doing some kind of ballet thing all over my keyboard and I cant stop typing!!! This little kid right here, his name is rex apparently and is relevant to the plot is baller status!!! OMG THE ACTING IS TERRIBADD!!! Buuut he hasa fuckn HOOD ass car. Whooooaaaa nelly!!!!! This is turning out to be a fuckn nuts ride!!!! This is everything I want in a movie!!! Shits moving so fast dude.

So now when im looking utside of zachs cross country retreat we got going on here it feels like im in the savannah like its nto tht the type of vegetation is like those of the actual savannah its just that the situation I find myself in seems as though it would favor a savannah like theme that’s all. Zachs out there grindin his ass for his hood so ima stay here and type. Btw im super at typing, did yall know that> im doing ta least 15697 charascters a minute. How baller is that? Peace movie in progressss zohhop!!!

Food, the very reason im sittig right before you, I realized that I owe a whole lot to food. Yeah like where would be be without food, what if food iwas lioke nah im not gtonna let you cats find me, and wed just be like well I guess were just gonna die now juz think about food. For real just ponder that, that box of crackewrs is there just for you!! Its total existence is so you can survive and live out some mediocre life, well not me!!! Im gonna remember the sacrifice all these foodstuffs made for me and im gonna do something special with my life.

I just saw a commercial for real housewifes of new jersey and I think that is total bullshit. I mena think about all the wonderful things people from all over the world are doing to make this world a better place? Just think all those people doing little things to make this world, a world so full of pain and suffereing, greed, selfishness, hatred, ignorance and sadness, a better place for all to live. And here we have, spoiled, gold digging whores who have little of no motivation to do anythigns unless it has to do with getting a nose job or getting the newest Gucci sweater that just came out. The way I see it, this time we spend watching these money grubbing whores bicker about “Fifi” their Chihuahua’;s party decorations at some fucked up party and watching them living worthless lives of glamour can be used to bring attention to people that ARE ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING WITH THEIR LIVES other than be greedy self serving drones. For real I would rather watch hundreds of people spoon feeding Africans orphans than watch these people grovel and clop around for mindless possessions. I usually don’t get mad, especially in situations simialir to this one but wow I just don’t like those women. Id rather ride a horse.

Wayne is just kicking my ass rite now, for real, the dedication 3 cd is just weird. I mean its good but like its timing is off, like a reg cd has tming to it, like song, pause song. But this, buuut this man is like talk talk beat in background, song song long pause then lecture.

Anyway I hope that answers your questions you have. Let’s do this again soon!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"I'm from a city in the midwest, best city in the whole wide world."

*Note: this blog was written in a stream of consciense, is that how you spell it? no i dea theres no spell check on this thing. so if ur confused dont worry, so was I when i wrote this.

Yeah, its summer, and I'm sure as hell real thankful. Its been so nice out lately, and im not just saying that just as a cliche statement, no for once im diggin this Iowa weather, its been legit as hell. Hope it keeps up.

Damn.....his voice is moving so damn fast. I mean how do people even listen this fast? Whoa...he ryhmes too?!? shit im kinda liking this, no matter i don't know what every word is, the rythm is like bungee jumping really fast, except that this shit isnt scary, it feels amazing. Like dammmnn you cannot go wrong in this state of mind. So right now, im imagining im in one of those circle things they sit in when your a little kid and your at space camp, ever go to one of those? nah me either but im just saying. bear with me, its like im being turned forward, left and right and all at the same time im being jumped and the beat is just bouncin off my body. Never has music been this enjoyable, never have i wanted to just dance so badly and never have I ever felt so optimistic about my life. LOL "im married to that crazy bitch, call me Kevin Federeline" jesus thats funny. The sad thing is its prolly not, at least not in the other alternate state of mind i could choose to be part of, but fuck all them people over there, they just dont understand. Look at them, all fake as hell, groveling for attention and satisfaction, popping their collars and drinking their beers in a futile attempt to fit the mold of an "acceptable" college student. I wonder how many of them are saying in the back of their heads "Wow, i for sure look like a straight up waste of time, look at me, collared shirt, cocked hat, beer in hand."

Welp, sucks for holy shit is that wilboyz dude i love that show so much, my god its so much better right now, i mean steve-o is riding a goddamn bison for fuck sakes, I wonder if people realize how beautiful laughter is? I mean for real, how awesome is laughing? Were like the only things that can laugh i think. So we gotta be special in some way, so could laughter be a gift from "God" or something or maybe its Ganish the elephant scimitar weilding deity of the Hindu religion. haha i want to ride him.

so im pretty sure this thing has taken me like 4 hours to write, yeah im an exceptionaly person justi n general. or at least i feel like I am. Fill me in if you disagree. So when I was driving here earlier it felt like the road was maybe in a way alive and that it was moving like a giant dragon and it was banking and turning and it felt really relaxing. like a downhill scaled monorail . actually ive only been writing for the past 19 minutes scratch the 4 hours i said earlier. sorry. im gonna finish this tomorrow, hopefull i can remember this, i gotta finish this movie.