Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dude is that a Fucking Condor?!

So were in nature, it pretty nuts. I mean just really amazing to be completely honest. Zach just stands there, then all of a sudden "dude! look at all the shit!" it true there is a lot to look at. This isn't like being in a house, where all you got to look at are chairs dogs and stuff. no way man here, down in this here forest we got BUGS, and huuuuge trees that like go way way up.

im just looking at nature and theres just so much stuff here. I mean who designed the nature? do monkeys plant the forest? or is it just random? its too beautiful to be random, orrrr maybe thats what makes it so amazing, it random. hahah this is some deep shit right here.

I just had a really terrifying revelation, ok we need to be careful because what if there are like huge monkeys in the tress like in that one Indiana Jones movie? I mean they could be in the trees just eating fruit and then they see us and nature doesnt approve of our trespassing? fuck we need to get going. ive heard of monkeys that can tear a man in twain.

except Zach has now decided to stand there like a fucking idiot. im just standing here feeling like a million eyes are on me. hold on guys I see something on the hill.....ITS A FUCKING CONDOR forget the monkeys we need to worry about that gargantuan creature. Ive heard condors can like stop a 747 from flying, i lrned that in dinosaur class with dain. i wish he was here, he'd fight this fucking condor. no wait, that was a pterodactyl that was big as a plane, not a condor.

but if u are ever high u def need to come out to the woods, safe woods with no condors of course, and enjoy nature. it really makes u appreciate the earth. ok so zach told this joke. and i nearly died, unfortunately im gonna wake up tomorrow and read this and realize it aint worth a shit lol

"3 babies are in a hospital. one of the babies turns to the other and asks "what u in for?" the other baby says im getting my cord cut. the baby next to that baby turns to him and askes him what about you? the other baby responds "FUCK YOU". lol

well were inside now. after whats seemed like a half hour to decide what food we wanted to eat, we came to the conclusion that we would take it all. We have a huge bowl of puppy chow, a fridge of water, beef jerky, gatorade, chocolate lover drumstick, ice cream, and the staple food our lives, munchies. god i am OUT of my mind high right now, now check this shit, we only did a bowl hahaha.

omg zach is too stoned to fuckn make a sentence haha what a little fucker dude haha ohhhhhh wait now hold up is, is is that mr. bob i hear quietly swooning my name? it is! way to be. the music, oh god, lemme tell you something this is the most perfect and calm high i have ever had, so if ur aasking why i can type like a normal guy, well thi is why. dude this is some funky fuckin music! oh god they have french horns on this song!! listne to that shit. my is so damn happy, the world needs to justr be like this. my fingers hurt, and zach has 4 arms like MACHAMP!!! holyu fuck what are fighting types bad against again, shit shit shit i havent been practicing my pokemon skills forever! PHYchic type thats it, if only i had a kadabra KADABRAAAAAAAAAAAAA! bra hahaha rhyme time! time to rhyme! all the time!!!

(1-2 hours of minldess talking and comboniation of classical music, rap and some scary techno music)

ill add the rest when my fingers arent jelly like. time to watch anchorman!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lets Get Together

Ok so, a few weeks ago my friend introduced me to Bob Marley. My first experience with Ol Bob was when i was pretty blazed. However, Since then I've gotten tired of the cliche' same old same old screamo hardcore bullshit that i used to listen to so, I decided to download some Marley. What an amazing change.

Since summer has been a pretty big disappointment for me, listening to Bob Marley has been a breath of fresh air. With all the crappy and meaningless music that surrounds us on a daily basis, its so amazing to hear music that actually means something! This is music that ANYBODY can listen to. You don't have to dress like a "scene" kid, or wear tight pants to look the part for, no sir, this is music that an 8 year old or an 80 year old can both listen to and realize the great message. The great thing about this music is that when you listen to it, you really do stop, and feel calmer and happier. I've never encountered music that actually made me believe that things are going to get better, that really moved me the way this music does.

Ok, so some of you might be saying "well the kid smoked pot, that's the only reason he likes this guy." Those are the people I really feel sorry for. You dont need to be high, or under any influence to appreciate the messages in this music or to truly grasp the benefits this music has on a person's outlook on life.

If someone took the time to actually listen to the lyrics written by this man they would quickly realize that musicians like Bob Marley are few and far between. There is so much violence, hate, fear and ignorance in this world and we are bombarded by it on a daily almost hourly basis. On the news, in the paper and even very close to us, all the time, and when you come across a musician that stands for the very opposite of all those things, he/she deserves to be heard and enjoyed. Bob Marley was a man who truly believed in the "good" in people and that you could cure racism and hate by injecting music and love into people's lives.

Here was a man who wasn't concerned with money, fame, or fortune. This was a man who just lived for his music and spreading the message of tolerance and love. With all the violent, degrading and vulgar music shoved down our throats, its nice to be able slow things down, sit down and listen to some music that actually means something. This is music that's all about enjoying life and not taking things for granted, being happy for what God has given you and making the world you live in just a little bit better. Bob Marley was a man that wasn't just all talk, he truly lived his life the way he sang about it in his songs.

One of my favorite quotes is by Bob Marley. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later, he walked out on that stage, and sang. Someone asked him, "Why?" he said, "The people who are trying to make this world worse, aren't taking a day off, how can I?" Light Up the Darkness.

Like I said, you don't need to smoke pot to enjoy this music. You just have to be ready to embrace music that is chill, happy and all about positive attitudes. If we all listened to Bob Marley I believe the world would truly be a better place for all. And remember "Money can't buy life".